The Family and Loss

Families go through moments of loss occasionally. It may be a case where something tangible is lost, for example a car or house due to an accident or perhaps a pet or family member. Intangible things can also be lost, for example, bonds, trust and respect. By working together, family members can help to alleviateContinue reading “The Family and Loss”

Become New

At the start of your chapter the page was blank,You held the pen and you wrote the script, you wrote on and never flipped back.Each lesson learnt, each burden bore was a fertilizer to your growth and each moment of victory or overcoming was a testament of the prayers from your mouth. A day didContinue reading “Become New”

M.I.A: Motivation

Hi everyone, it’s great to have you here at 316 Ministries journeying with us for another series. For the month of September our topic will be MIA. Bearing that in mind, each week a subtopic will be revealed from the abbreviated letters but for now let us remember that MIA refers to “missing in action”.Continue reading “M.I.A: Motivation”

While I’m Waiting, I Will Trust Him

Hey Friends! Welcome back to another one of our weekly blogs. I pray you have been blessed and encouraged by our previous ones and if you haven’t read them yet, please feel free to do so. We have been looking at patience! Our discussions have been centered around what to do while we wait toContinue reading “While I’m Waiting, I Will Trust Him”

Little is Much…

Hello Friends! I am sure you have heard of many miracles that Jesus performed. Today we will look at one that signifies what abundance God can create from the little in our lives. The tales of Jesus’ miracles are told with such details and beautiful significance in the Bible. It was even stated by EllenContinue reading “Little is Much…”

Inner Peace And You

Inner peace is important; we all know this but do we all act like it is? We hear about everything mental health related but do we listen? How often do you take the time to evaluate yourself mentally and how things in your surroundings are affecting you? The Lord cares about our holistic health andContinue reading “Inner Peace And You”

There is Hope with Change

Have you ever heard the saying “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”? Well, regardless if you subscribe to that opinion or not, you can agree that we all make plans for our lives at some point. We usually develop steps we need to take in order to reach ourContinue reading “There is Hope with Change”

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