Fixed on God: Being Content

Hey Friends! Welcome to the conclusion of our discussion on the Ten Commandments. If you have missed a post you can always go back to see the previous articles. Today we will discuss covetousness. But before we do view the graphic below for all the commandments. Most times we don’t use the word covet inContinue reading “Fixed on God: Being Content”

Fixed on God: What we have Become

There is nothing ordinary about the plans God made for man, as we have often seen, revealed is a greater outcome than what we could have ever conceived and oftentimes believe.Fixed on God is where our focus should be but oftentimes we are sidetracked and what we have become are liars and thieves.By the temporaryContinue reading “Fixed on God: What we have Become”

Fixed on God: Doing Right

Welcome back friends to another blog post where we discuss the commandments given by God in the Old Testament of the Bible. We will be looking at the fifth, sixth and seventh commandments. In the Bible God left each believer one task and that was to share the goodness of God. Matthew 28:19 -20 directsContinue reading “Fixed on God: Doing Right”

Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence

As children growing up we often heard the words “respect your elders” or “respect those in authority”. In christianity our total respect and reverence is owed to God. Welcome back to another blog post where we will look at the third and fourth commandments from God and how we can implement them. Let us firstContinue reading “Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence”

Fixed on God: No other God or Idol

“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17 (NIV) Happy new year friends! Wishing you not only blessings for the new year but that you may also walk closer with God and with aContinue reading “Fixed on God: No other God or Idol”

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