Fixed on God: What we have Become

There is nothing ordinary about the plans God made for man, as we have often seen, revealed is a greater outcome than what we could have ever conceived and oftentimes believe.Fixed on God is where our focus should be but oftentimes we are sidetracked and what we have become are liars and thieves.By the temporaryContinue reading “Fixed on God: What we have Become”

We Need People

I’ve always described myself as a people person. I feed off the energy of those around me almost like it’s breakfast. It fuels me and keeps me going. For as long as I have known myself it’s been the people around me that have made life worth it. They’ve added adventure and greatness to everyContinue reading “We Need People”

Reflecting on the Storm

Storms are a product of nature and a fact of life They wear the face of terror, and wield a weapon of strife. They have their season, but at times seem ongoing and constant But when it is over a lesson can be learnt as the waves become stagnant. We look back and at timesContinue reading “Reflecting on the Storm”

Strengthened by the Storm

Trials and tribulations can be classified as the storms we face in our daily lives. These storms often have us feeling lost, abandoned, fearful, and even hopeless. There is no limit to the struggles we face each day, and it can feel like we are sinking with the burdens they bring. You should never letContinue reading “Strengthened by the Storm”

STORM WARNINGS: How do you prepare for a storm?

When the meteorologist or weather broadcaster announces or warns a country about a storm, it is usually met with fear, concern, and worry. The same thing may be said about the storms of life. Our storms are the trials and hardships we face individually, and collectively in our families, or in the different relationships we mightContinue reading “STORM WARNINGS: How do you prepare for a storm?”

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