While I’m Waiting, I Will Trust Him

Hey Friends! Welcome back to another one of our weekly blogs. I pray you have been blessed and encouraged by our previous ones and if you haven’t read them yet, please feel free to do so. We have been looking at patience! Our discussions have been centered around what to do while we wait toContinue reading “While I’m Waiting, I Will Trust Him”

While I’m Waiting, I Will Praise

Hey Friends! In this blog series we have been talking about what to do while waiting on God to answer a prayer request. The request could be that job or school application, a breakthrough on your health or family problems. Regardless of what you are waiting for, God calls us to be active and prayerful.Continue reading “While I’m Waiting, I Will Praise”

While I’m Waiting, I will Serve

While I’m waiting I will serve,I will serve others with the gifts that I have and the skills that I have learned.And when I feel weary I will ask for strength and grace to endure, because the goodness of God we all deserve. While I’m waiting I will try to get stronger,Spiritually, mentally and physically.Continue reading “While I’m Waiting, I will Serve”

While I’m Waiting, I will Pray

Hey Friends, welcome back to another blog series. For this series we will be talking about what to do while waiting on God to answer a specific need or personal desire. This speaks to patience and how we as Christians deal with uncertainty in our lives. Have you ever had to wait on something orContinue reading “While I’m Waiting, I will Pray”

Hannah’s Sacrifice

Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge for Satan John Buyan There are many prominent women in the Bible. Ruth and Esther have entire books to tell their story. However, the woman we know as Hannah is found only in 1st Samuel, yet her storyContinue reading “Hannah’s Sacrifice”

A Fair Exchange

If you ask any world leader or pageant beauty queen what they want to see in this world, most times the reply is “World peace”. What a beautiful thing to hope for – World Peace. We can easily look out into this sin cursed world and acknowledge that this place needs peace.  We also, likeContinue reading “A Fair Exchange”

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