Worth the Work

Relationships are rarely easy. Friendships, parent-children, sibling, husband-wife, family, employee-employee; from the least to the most complex, they all come with their own challenges and issues. Romantic relationships are no different and they do not come with manuals. Additionally, one strategy does not work for all relationships. They way you deal with issues with yourContinue reading “Worth the Work”

Fixed on God: What we have Become

There is nothing ordinary about the plans God made for man, as we have often seen, revealed is a greater outcome than what we could have ever conceived and oftentimes believe.Fixed on God is where our focus should be but oftentimes we are sidetracked and what we have become are liars and thieves.By the temporaryContinue reading “Fixed on God: What we have Become”

There is Hope with Change

Have you ever heard the saying “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”? Well, regardless if you subscribe to that opinion or not, you can agree that we all make plans for our lives at some point. We usually develop steps we need to take in order to reach ourContinue reading “There is Hope with Change”

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