Broken Relationships

Hello there and welcome to another blog post. In this article we conclude our look at brokenness; broken things and broken people. In the previous three posts we discussed how broken this world we live in is and how our hearts and minds, at some point, also become broken. One thing though, that we seeContinue reading “Broken Relationships”

Not Rejected

As the sun rises above the horizon it bathes the earth in all its light, driving away the night’s dark,And in each home wouldn’t it be heavenly if the sounds of hymns and a spoken prayer rose above the cry of the lark?The day would start off with hope and joy, with melted hearts knowingContinue reading “Not Rejected”

Fixed on God: Being Content

Hey Friends! Welcome to the conclusion of our discussion on the Ten Commandments. If you have missed a post you can always go back to see the previous articles. Today we will discuss covetousness. But before we do view the graphic below for all the commandments. Most times we don’t use the word covet inContinue reading “Fixed on God: Being Content”

Equals in the Struggles 

Our news is plagued with instances of injustice. No matter what country you are from, you know what I am talking about. There is poverty, racism, issues in the workplace and the list goes on. We cannot escape it. But what can we do?  Poverty We are told in Deuteronomy 15:11 that “the poor willContinue reading “Equals in the Struggles “

A Time, A Peace

There was a time before us, A time which is now and a time yet to come. A peace which may have lasted a moment and A peace which is fathomed to someIt is written of in politicians speeches, written on placards and hoisted high in civil marches  but the blind man can tell youContinue reading “A Time, A Peace”

The Peace to Come

It is comforting to know that at the end of this “dark tunnel” world there is light at the end of the tunnel. If we are faithful to the ways of the Lord, we can rest assured that at the close of this world we can look forward to a newness of life. Newness ofContinue reading “The Peace to Come”

Inner Peace And You

Inner peace is important; we all know this but do we all act like it is? We hear about everything mental health related but do we listen? How often do you take the time to evaluate yourself mentally and how things in your surroundings are affecting you? The Lord cares about our holistic health andContinue reading “Inner Peace And You”

Liberty Awaits

It is almost impossible to avoid all conflict in this world especially since conflict is a result of the sinful nature of mankind. People will hurt us and unfortunately, we may hurt others too, sometimes unintentionally. This hurt can result in turmoil that lasts years, especially when forgiveness is out of the picture. People whoContinue reading “Liberty Awaits”

A Fair Exchange

If you ask any world leader or pageant beauty queen what they want to see in this world, most times the reply is “World peace”. What a beautiful thing to hope for – World Peace. We can easily look out into this sin cursed world and acknowledge that this place needs peace.  We also, likeContinue reading “A Fair Exchange”

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