Entrusted Love

We are a vessel, filled with a vessel, to love, respect, and to exercise genuine care to others.This vessel is our heart, lodged within a greater vessel our bodies, whom some don’t care to botherIt becomes too much, less of a duty and more of a plight.They don’t remember the entrusted love that Christ diedContinue reading “Entrusted Love”

The Heart, The True Reflection

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart” Proverbs 27:19 (NIV) Hey Friends! Let’s have a little heart to heart. When I get ready in the mornings I find the best mirror in my house to check my appearance. Do you do this too? I look for the best mirror because itContinue reading “The Heart, The True Reflection”

What’s in Your Soil?

Jesus, in His teachings, spoke many relatable stories to connect with His followers. These stories are known as parables. In these parables we are shown characteristics of God’s Kingdom and the role we need to play to get through its gates. One such story is ‘The Sower’. This parable, found in Matthew 13:1-23, tells ofContinue reading “What’s in Your Soil?”

Honour and Life

“The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people” or “freedom from pride or arrogance”. This, according to the Miriam Webster’s Dictionary, is what humility is. Humility, to me, is knowing one’s worth without flaunting it. According to Proverbs 22:4 “humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are richesContinue reading “Honour and Life”

Doing the Groundwork

For something to grow effectively, it must be planted in good soil. While this serves as a great gardening tip, the advice stands true for every sphere of life. Think about anything you’ve ever tried to grow. Maybe it was a literal plant, a friendship, a relationship, or even a business. It would be hard toContinue reading “Doing the Groundwork”

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