Don’t Stay Stuck!

Have you ever felt like you are stuck?Maybe trying to free yourself from the shackles?Well maybe, just maybe you’ve run into some luck.Because you’ve been given Jesus- let Him help with your battles! Or maybe you’ve tried once, and you failed.Or maybe on different occasions but also futile.Well sometimes on our way to higher heights,Continue reading “Don’t Stay Stuck!”

M.I.A: Aspiration

As we approach the end of the M.I.A series, I hope that so far you have enjoyed and most importantly gained some form of blessing along the way. This week we will be highlighting our last letter ‘A’, which originally in week one we mentioned referred to ‘Action’. As with the weeks before this one,Continue reading “M.I.A: Aspiration”

M.I.A: Inspiration

Have you ever had, what you thought was, a brilliant idea but you just sat down on it? What about an urge to do something but you did not act on it and kept that feeling ‘in’? Yes? Well, I have been in your shoes more often than I’d like to admit. Sometimes all I need,Continue reading “M.I.A: Inspiration”

M.I.A: Motivation

Hi everyone, it’s great to have you here at 316 Ministries journeying with us for another series. For the month of September our topic will be MIA. Bearing that in mind, each week a subtopic will be revealed from the abbreviated letters but for now let us remember that MIA refers to “missing in action”.Continue reading “M.I.A: Motivation”

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