A Time, A Peace

There was a time before us, A time which is now and a time yet to come. A peace which may have lasted a moment and A peace which is fathomed to someIt is written of in politicians speeches, written on placards and hoisted high in civil marches  but the blind man can tell youContinue reading “A Time, A Peace”

To Be Pure Hearted

The story is told of a child who smiles at anyone, wishes to shake everyones hand and will share their toy even it’s the only one they have. Why is this? Children, before they are molded by the meanness in the world have an innocence that’s pure and unmatched. They see faces without status, theyContinue reading “To Be Pure Hearted”

Entrusted Love

We are a vessel, filled with a vessel, to love, respect, and to exercise genuine care to others.This vessel is our heart, lodged within a greater vessel our bodies, whom some don’t care to botherIt becomes too much, less of a duty and more of a plight.They don’t remember the entrusted love that Christ diedContinue reading “Entrusted Love”

Overflowing, Ever-growing Gratitude

Hey Friends! I hope this blog finds you well. Over the last few weeks we have been sharing with you about thankfulness and gratitude; how to appreciate each aspect and how they differ. Today we will look deeper at GRATITUDE. Gratitude as defined by Oxford languages is the quality of being thankful; readiness to showContinue reading “Overflowing, Ever-growing Gratitude”

Rejoice, Give Thanks

“There are three requisites to the proper enjoyment of earthly blessings: a thankful reflection, on the goodness of the giver; a deep sense of our own unworthiness; and a recollection of the uncertainty of our long possessing them. The first will make us grateful; the second, humble; and the third, moderate.” –Hannah More Hello Friends,Continue reading “Rejoice, Give Thanks”

Obedient Hero

“Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of Obedience.” – Steven Furtick It is often said that to obey is better than sacrifice which means it is better to comply with an instruction rather than having to pay the consequences. I agree with this statement, if it is that the instruction orContinue reading “Obedient Hero”

Your Perspective

The sun rises as a day begins and starts to set when the end is near We sometimes wish we could control its spin and that time could start and stop as we please.  It is a setting of this world that is out of our control, Yet I believe if we could we wouldContinue reading “Your Perspective”

Life Purpose

What is purpose and how can you find yours? Purpose is defined by dictionary.com as the reason for which something exists or is done, made or used. The two words that I think from this definition that aligns mostly with our purpose are exist and used. Why do we exist and how can we beContinue reading “Life Purpose”


For many people, when you mention health and the summer the first thing that crosses their mind may be a “Summer Body” but have you ever considered using your summer to change your diet? For many people, now that summer is here they have a lot of free time thus adding a new thing toContinue reading “A REFRESHED DIET”

The Faith of a Friend

In life’s journey no man would want it said that they never knew a faithful friend or lived a friendless life It would be like saying you never experienced a rainbow or an evening sunset For friendship is a beautiful thing that each day makes life more worthwhile A good friendship with all its beauty,Continue reading “The Faith of a Friend”

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