Why Pray?

Prayer is, simply put, talking with God. It really isn’t some big feat that we have to dare to accomplish, it does not take much. It is not just for the rich and famous or for pastors, ministers and delegated prayer warriors. Prayer is for everyone.  Communication is essential for any relationship to work. YourContinue reading “Why Pray?”

In His Presence

“A minute spent in the presence of God is better than any glamour that takes you away from Him.” -Gift Gugu Mon You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalms 16:11 NKJV). In the presence of God is a beautifulContinue reading “In His Presence”

Fear no Evil

Those who believe in God and serve Him are not soared from the challenges and calamities. In fact, because they are  trying to stay on the right path and live a good life the enemy throws many attacks their way in an effort to disturb their peace and cause them to stumble. But there isContinue reading “Fear no Evil”

Shoes and Shield

Ellen White, in her book the Great Controversy, writes this “the great controversy between Christ and Satan, that has been carried forward for nearly six thousand years, is soon to close; and the wicked one redoubles his efforts to defeat the work of Christ in man’s behalf and to fasten souls in his snares.” Friends,Continue reading “Shoes and Shield”

Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence

As children growing up we often heard the words “respect your elders” or “respect those in authority”. In christianity our total respect and reverence is owed to God. Welcome back to another blog post where we will look at the third and fourth commandments from God and how we can implement them. Let us firstContinue reading “Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence”

The Oil In Your Hands 

Hi friends, welcome to another blog post!  There is a song that I like that says “little is much when God is in it.” It reminds me that the little I have or the little I do can make a big difference if I do it with pure intentions and if I follow God. ThisContinue reading “The Oil In Your Hands “


Have you ever been told to do something that just does  not make sense? The story of Naaman, found in 2 Kings 5:1-19, is a relatively well known Bible story. Most of the times when it’s being told the focus is on the ministry of the servant girl. But what about the role that NaamanContinue reading “Naaman”

The Young Witness

“If we understand what lies ahead for those who do not know Christ, there will be a sense of urgency in our witness.” David Jeremiah In life we often feel like we have to be older, stronger, bigger or maybe even richer to fulfill certain roles. This is not necessarily so. There is always aContinue reading “The Young Witness”

Persecution: Don’t Fear the Bully

When you google “persecution” what comes up? This is what I saw online as the definition of  persecution: “hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression.” Sounds frightening, doesn’t it? What a sad, frightening, dangerous thing it is to be persecuted. Have you ever been persecuted or the term IContinue reading “Persecution: Don’t Fear the Bully”

The Advent, Are you Prepared?

There is a common phrase that goes “time is of the essence” meaning that there is a specific time period for something to be done or fulfilled by someone or something. When we get up in the mornings and as we take our time our mother or father might say, “hurry child, time is ofContinue reading “The Advent, Are you Prepared?”

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