Honour and Life

“The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people” or “freedom from pride or arrogance”. This, according to the Miriam Webster’s Dictionary, is what humility is. Humility, to me, is knowing one’s worth without flaunting it. According to Proverbs 22:4 “humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are richesContinue reading “Honour and Life”

There is Hope with Change

Have you ever heard the saying “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”? Well, regardless if you subscribe to that opinion or not, you can agree that we all make plans for our lives at some point. We usually develop steps we need to take in order to reach ourContinue reading “There is Hope with Change”

Reflecting on the Storm

Storms are a product of nature and a fact of life They wear the face of terror, and wield a weapon of strife. They have their season, but at times seem ongoing and constant But when it is over a lesson can be learnt as the waves become stagnant. We look back and at timesContinue reading “Reflecting on the Storm”

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