To Be Pure Hearted

The story is told of a child who smiles at anyone, wishes to shake everyones hand and will share their toy even it’s the only one they have. Why is this? Children, before they are molded by the meanness in the world have an innocence that’s pure and unmatched. They see faces without status, theyContinue reading “To Be Pure Hearted”

The Heart, The True Reflection

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart” Proverbs 27:19 (NIV) Hey Friends! Let’s have a little heart to heart. When I get ready in the mornings I find the best mirror in my house to check my appearance. Do you do this too? I look for the best mirror because itContinue reading “The Heart, The True Reflection”

Outfitting This Summer

Once again, this summer we want to introduce you to new ideas that can spruce up your summer period. You’ve probably heard that how you dress determines how you’re addressed, and is also a reflection of your character and confidence. How you dress in this world is very important. Even the Lord emphasizes the importanceContinue reading “Outfitting This Summer”

Does God Have Time For Heartbreak?

Do you believe that hearts can break? We hear about it all the time, and tv shows and movies have made it seem so dramatic. But is heartbreak a reality? I honestly believe that the answer is yes. Not because of all the scientific research that seems to exist about it, but simply because IContinue reading “Does God Have Time For Heartbreak?”

Even the Little Things

Love. A word that we tend to throw around without even stopping to think about what we are actually saying. It is a powerful word if you ask me. I mean, I love love! I like hearing expressions of love, don’t you? But there is more to it than that. Love is not just aboutContinue reading “Even the Little Things”

Doing the Groundwork

For something to grow effectively, it must be planted in good soil. While this serves as a great gardening tip, the advice stands true for every sphere of life. Think about anything you’ve ever tried to grow. Maybe it was a literal plant, a friendship, a relationship, or even a business. It would be hard toContinue reading “Doing the Groundwork”

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