Your Hair, Your Routine

Hey Friends! Today we look at another DIY: hair care. To maintain your hair whether natural or processed it is always best to have a routine that fits your schedule. A routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed. When you have a routine you ensure the health of your hair. In the last blogContinue reading “Your Hair, Your Routine”

Summer Tips: Total Well-Being

What is the meaning of an individual’s well-being? It is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. I believe that the optimal goal in a person’s life is to be complete in their well-being. As we go throughout the year where time and seasons may change our well-being will need certain adjustments, this includes whatContinue reading “Summer Tips: Total Well-Being”

Summer: Outside the Box

After a year inside for most people, this summer is expected to be the break they have been waiting for. Kick off the summer by executing creative and healthy lifestyle scenarios that are a bit out of the box. Here are some activities you can do alone or with friends: Creative Picnic A lot ofContinue reading “Summer: Outside the Box”

Inner Peace And You

Inner peace is important; we all know this but do we all act like it is? We hear about everything mental health related but do we listen? How often do you take the time to evaluate yourself mentally and how things in your surroundings are affecting you? The Lord cares about our holistic health andContinue reading “Inner Peace And You”

Liberty Awaits

It is almost impossible to avoid all conflict in this world especially since conflict is a result of the sinful nature of mankind. People will hurt us and unfortunately, we may hurt others too, sometimes unintentionally. This hurt can result in turmoil that lasts years, especially when forgiveness is out of the picture. People whoContinue reading “Liberty Awaits”

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