Just Be Still

Jamaicans have a proverb that says “when man a plan, God a wipe” and as Proverbs 19:21 explains it “many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” The year 2020 has certainly taught us a lot about this. It was supposed to be “the year” for soContinue reading “Just Be Still”

There is Hope with Change

Have you ever heard the saying “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”? Well, regardless if you subscribe to that opinion or not, you can agree that we all make plans for our lives at some point. We usually develop steps we need to take in order to reach ourContinue reading “There is Hope with Change”

Doing the Groundwork

For something to grow effectively, it must be planted in good soil. While this serves as a great gardening tip, the advice stands true for every sphere of life. Think about anything you’ve ever tried to grow. Maybe it was a literal plant, a friendship, a relationship, or even a business. It would be hard toContinue reading “Doing the Groundwork”

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