Not Rejected

As the sun rises above the horizon it bathes the earth in all its light, driving away the night’s dark,And in each home wouldn’t it be heavenly if the sounds of hymns and a spoken prayer rose above the cry of the lark?The day would start off with hope and joy, with melted hearts knowingContinue reading “Not Rejected”

Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence

As children growing up we often heard the words “respect your elders” or “respect those in authority”. In christianity our total respect and reverence is owed to God. Welcome back to another blog post where we will look at the third and fourth commandments from God and how we can implement them. Let us firstContinue reading “Fixed on God: Respect and Reverence”

Fixed on God: No other God or Idol

“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17 (NIV) Happy new year friends! Wishing you not only blessings for the new year but that you may also walk closer with God and with aContinue reading “Fixed on God: No other God or Idol”

Let There Be Light

There are many speculations about how this world was brought into existence, how it all began. Believe it or not, there was a time when there was nothing. Everything you see and know around you did not exist. It was all darkness and nothingness. But how did it really all began? What speculations have youContinue reading “Let There Be Light”

The Same God

Seasons come and seasons go, many are born and many are laid to rest, butThe sun that shines and the mercies of the day are always of the bestWho could it be but the Same God? When we walk straight or sadly stray from the narrow way, When we are clothed in our guilt andContinue reading “The Same God”

Your Perspective

The sun rises as a day begins and starts to set when the end is near We sometimes wish we could control its spin and that time could start and stop as we please.  It is a setting of this world that is out of our control, Yet I believe if we could we wouldContinue reading “Your Perspective”


For many people, when you mention health and the summer the first thing that crosses their mind may be a “Summer Body” but have you ever considered using your summer to change your diet? For many people, now that summer is here they have a lot of free time thus adding a new thing toContinue reading “A REFRESHED DIET”

A Faith that Serves

Michael Bassey Johnson, in his book ‘The book of Maxims, Poem and Anecdotes’ stated that “there are two most important doors in a person’s life, one; The door of talent and two, The door of grace. When one or two of these outlets are open, anything is possible.” God opens many doors for us duringContinue reading “A Faith that Serves”

The Faith of a Friend

In life’s journey no man would want it said that they never knew a faithful friend or lived a friendless life It would be like saying you never experienced a rainbow or an evening sunset For friendship is a beautiful thing that each day makes life more worthwhile A good friendship with all its beauty,Continue reading “The Faith of a Friend”

A Faith that Unifies

“Blood is thicker than water, but family isn’t just about blood. Family is about faith and loyalty, and who you love. If you do not have those things, I don’t care what the blood says. You’re not family” is a statement made by bestselling author Mira Grant in one of her pieces. Is she right?Continue reading “A Faith that Unifies”

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