Broken Relationships

Hello there and welcome to another blog post. In this article we conclude our look at brokenness; broken things and broken people. In the previous three posts we discussed how broken this world we live in is and how our hearts and minds, at some point, also become broken. One thing though, that we seeContinue reading “Broken Relationships”

Liberty Awaits

It is almost impossible to avoid all conflict in this world especially since conflict is a result of the sinful nature of mankind. People will hurt us and unfortunately, we may hurt others too, sometimes unintentionally. This hurt can result in turmoil that lasts years, especially when forgiveness is out of the picture. People whoContinue reading “Liberty Awaits”

God is not a Man

The question is asked, is there such a thing as a good lie? In my opinion, there is no such thing. Words can be used to relieve people of heartache and guilt but even when it is not spoken the truth will always be true and likewise, lies are always lies. Let me be clearer,Continue reading “God is not a Man”

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