Friends who Become Family

When we speak about family, we are usually referring to persons related by blood, marriage or adoption who may or may not live together. But it is a fact that there are persons who are not related in those ways who still consider themselves family. Why? Because family is also identified by deep bonds, closenessContinue reading “Friends who Become Family”

The Family and Loss

Families go through moments of loss occasionally. It may be a case where something tangible is lost, for example a car or house due to an accident or perhaps a pet or family member. Intangible things can also be lost, for example, bonds, trust and respect. By working together, family members can help to alleviateContinue reading “The Family and Loss”

Becoming Her, Becoming Him

February is known to be the month in which love is celebrated. There is always that rush to buy gifts and make plans, usually between intimate partners. Who doesn’t love, love? The atmosphere perhaps brings us to a place where we once felt loved or maybe makes us more appreciative of our current relationships. LoveContinue reading “Becoming Her, Becoming Him”

Ruth, the Moabite

“Taken as a whole, the story of Ruth is one of those signs. It was written to give us encouragement and hope that all the perplexing turns in our lives are going somewhere good. They do not lead off a cliff. In all the setbacks of our lives as believers, God is plotting for ourContinue reading “Ruth, the Moabite”

Things I love about Church

Hello Friends! Welcome to another blog post where today I will share with you some of the things I love about church. What is a church? The Oxford dictionary describes it as a public space for Christian worship. There are many different religions who have their place of worship but it’s called a different name,Continue reading “Things I love about Church”

We Need People

I’ve always described myself as a people person. I feed off the energy of those around me almost like it’s breakfast. It fuels me and keeps me going. For as long as I have known myself it’s been the people around me that have made life worth it. They’ve added adventure and greatness to everyContinue reading “We Need People”

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