Worth the Work

Relationships are rarely easy. Friendships, parent-children, sibling, husband-wife, family, employee-employee; from the least to the most complex, they all come with their own challenges and issues. Romantic relationships are no different and they do not come with manuals. Additionally, one strategy does not work for all relationships. They way you deal with issues with yourContinue reading “Worth the Work”

A Promise of Perseverance

When I think about the word perseverance, I think about enduring through a hard task or no matter the failures I have, never to give up. I have friends who love to exercise and go to the gym, but I recall once not even being able to run one lap around a racetrack. When IContinue reading “A Promise of Perseverance”

Battling the Storm

 A battle is defined as a sustained fight between two or more armed forces. Despite this definition, our battles do not have to be waged with swords or guns, or even on a battlefield. The battle I will be talking about is us against the storms of life, and how we battle the forces thatContinue reading “Battling the Storm”

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