Mary, Mother of the Messiah

Greetings Friends! Welcome to another blog post where we discuss Bible truths, life lessons and issues that plague us in our Christian walk. This month, November, we will be looking at remarkable women of great character in the Bible. The first one that we will be looking at is Mary of Nazareth, the mother ofContinue reading “Mary, Mother of the Messiah”

The Advent, Are you Prepared?

There is a common phrase that goes “time is of the essence” meaning that there is a specific time period for something to be done or fulfilled by someone or something. When we get up in the mornings and as we take our time our mother or father might say, “hurry child, time is ofContinue reading “The Advent, Are you Prepared?”

Liberty Awaits

It is almost impossible to avoid all conflict in this world especially since conflict is a result of the sinful nature of mankind. People will hurt us and unfortunately, we may hurt others too, sometimes unintentionally. This hurt can result in turmoil that lasts years, especially when forgiveness is out of the picture. People whoContinue reading “Liberty Awaits”

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