Hannah’s Sacrifice

Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge for Satan John Buyan There are many prominent women in the Bible. Ruth and Esther have entire books to tell their story. However, the woman we know as Hannah is found only in 1st Samuel, yet her storyContinue reading “Hannah’s Sacrifice”

Little is Much…

Hello Friends! I am sure you have heard of many miracles that Jesus performed. Today we will look at one that signifies what abundance God can create from the little in our lives. The tales of Jesus’ miracles are told with such details and beautiful significance in the Bible. It was even stated by EllenContinue reading “Little is Much…”

The Young Witness

“If we understand what lies ahead for those who do not know Christ, there will be a sense of urgency in our witness.” David Jeremiah In life we often feel like we have to be older, stronger, bigger or maybe even richer to fulfill certain roles. This is not necessarily so. There is always aContinue reading “The Young Witness”

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