Cheerful Giver

Hello friends, welcome to another blog. We have been looking at the gift of giving and I hope something would have resonated with you so far. This is the final blog in this series, be blessed. It is always encouraged to be kind, to share and to give to others, especially to those who areContinue reading “Cheerful Giver”

More Blessed to Give

We are told in Acts 20:35 that Jesus Himself said that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Giving is not just limited to the Christian faith, it is a task for all of us. There is always a way that we can show kindness to others. And indeed, we will be blessedContinue reading “More Blessed to Give”


When considering the changes and plans we want to implement for the new year, many of us tend to consider relationships that we are a part of. Consequently, new year resolutions about relationships and interactions are some of the most popular ones. Many pledge to spend more time with family and friends, to show moreContinue reading ““Connectionships””

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