Failure is Not the End

You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you. Barack Obama Hey friends! Welcome back to our last blog post in this series about starting and becoming new. In this article we will take a look at failure and how to start again from disappointments. Out of all theContinue reading “Failure is Not the End”

Esther: Selflessly Brave

In the book of the Bible named after her, Esther was a young Jewish woman living in the Persian era. She is identified as the daughter of Avihail (Esther 2:15) and the cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, from the tribe of Benjamin (vs 15). Not much is revealed about her character, but she isContinue reading “Esther: Selflessly Brave”

The Ultimate Hero

“Jesus came to give us life. We don’t have to hang on a cross like he did. For him, it was a sacrifice. For us, it is a gift.” -Dillon Burroughs A hero, according to The Miriam Webster Dictionary, is “a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.” As MayaContinue reading “The Ultimate Hero”

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