Become New

At the start of your chapter the page was blank,You held the pen and you wrote the script, you wrote on and never flipped back.Each lesson learnt, each burden bore was a fertilizer to your growth and each moment of victory or overcoming was a testament of the prayers from your mouth. A day didContinue reading “Become New”

Start Again

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, Because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV Hi friends! I hope the new year has been treating you all well thus far! Welcome to another blog post where I share a little encouragement aboutContinue reading “Start Again”

A New Thing: Testimonial

Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand new day to begin a new climb. Chinonye J. Chidolue Hello friends and Happy New Year! What is time? It seems like we were just ringing in 2023 and now we are already at the beginning of 2024. Nevertheless letContinue reading “A New Thing: Testimonial”

Cheerful Giver

Hello friends, welcome to another blog. We have been looking at the gift of giving and I hope something would have resonated with you so far. This is the final blog in this series, be blessed. It is always encouraged to be kind, to share and to give to others, especially to those who areContinue reading “Cheerful Giver”

More Blessed to Give

We are told in Acts 20:35 that Jesus Himself said that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Giving is not just limited to the Christian faith, it is a task for all of us. There is always a way that we can show kindness to others. And indeed, we will be blessedContinue reading “More Blessed to Give”

Blessed to be a Blessing

The Webster’s Dictionary shares a few definitions of the word ‘gift’. One definition says a gift is “anything, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation”. In other words, a gift is anything that is given to someone without expecting something in return. I like gifts and I amContinue reading “Blessed to be a Blessing”

Broken Relationships

Hello there and welcome to another blog post. In this article we conclude our look at brokenness; broken things and broken people. In the previous three posts we discussed how broken this world we live in is and how our hearts and minds, at some point, also become broken. One thing though, that we seeContinue reading “Broken Relationships”

Not Rejected

As the sun rises above the horizon it bathes the earth in all its light, driving away the night’s dark,And in each home wouldn’t it be heavenly if the sounds of hymns and a spoken prayer rose above the cry of the lark?The day would start off with hope and joy, with melted hearts knowingContinue reading “Not Rejected”

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