While I’m Waiting, I will Serve

While I’m waiting I will serve,I will serve others with the gifts that I have and the skills that I have learned.And when I feel weary I will ask for strength and grace to endure, because the goodness of God we all deserve. While I’m waiting I will try to get stronger,Spiritually, mentally and physically.Continue reading “While I’m Waiting, I will Serve”

To Be Pure Hearted

The story is told of a child who smiles at anyone, wishes to shake everyones hand and will share their toy even it’s the only one they have. Why is this? Children, before they are molded by the meanness in the world have an innocence that’s pure and unmatched. They see faces without status, theyContinue reading “To Be Pure Hearted”

A Promise of Perseverance

When I think about the word perseverance, I think about enduring through a hard task or no matter the failures I have, never to give up. I have friends who love to exercise and go to the gym, but I recall once not even being able to run one lap around a racetrack. When IContinue reading “A Promise of Perseverance”

God is not a Man

The question is asked, is there such a thing as a good lie? In my opinion, there is no such thing. Words can be used to relieve people of heartache and guilt but even when it is not spoken the truth will always be true and likewise, lies are always lies. Let me be clearer,Continue reading “God is not a Man”

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