The Family, Its Issues

As with all groups of people, the family has its fair share of issues. Its own “important topics or problems for debate or discussion” (Oxford Languages). They range from personal to interpersonal and from specific to shared. Because families cannot escape issues, members must try to find ways to work around and/or resolve them. InContinue reading “The Family, Its Issues”

The Family, A Ministry

There are many functions of a family. As mentioned in our previous blog, the family is the first institution and the first point of socialization. Family care for and support its members and grow and nurture children. One important function that a family serves is to minister, both to the members and to others. FamiliesContinue reading “The Family, A Ministry”

The Family, The Foundation

A family is defined, by, as “a basic social unit of parents and their children, considered as a group, dwelling together or not.” A family is the simplest structure within society. Think of each family as a building block. When the blocks are placed together, we get a blend of people living, doing business,Continue reading “The Family, The Foundation”

Live in your Purpose

When you have realized what your purpose is, there is only one thing to do, And that is to walk in purpose. Boldly approach the tasks you have planned, While you live in purpose. As you go about doing your day-to-day activities, Remember your purpose. Carefully select and set your goals, So that you mayContinue reading “Live in your Purpose”

Knowing Purpose 

Mark Twain once said life consists of two very important days, The day you were born and the day you find out why. The ‘why’ is your purpose, That which you complete before, to this world, you say bye. Then, if it is important, sooner rather than later, you need to know wherein your purposeContinue reading “Knowing Purpose “

Road to Purpose

There is something for us to do, a task, or two to accomplish, But how do we know what that is? How can we tell what it is that we are meant to do? Where do we start the search? Who tells us where to go to find it? Is there a guide that takesContinue reading “Road to Purpose”

Practical Ways to Control Anger

Ralph Emerson once said, “for every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind”. Well, I don’t know about you but I’m a person that enjoys having peace of mind, so much so that I try my very best to control situations and things that could lead to my mind’sContinue reading “Practical Ways to Control Anger”

Overcoming Anger

Hi friends, in this blog we continue our look on controlling anger. Last week we focused on two Bible characters who showed poor examples of anger control. This week we will flip the script and look at a Bible character who was able to control their emotion and rise above anger and revenge.  David hadContinue reading “Overcoming Anger”

Anger Control: The Proverbs Perspective

Welcome to another blog series. For the next 4 weeks we will be exploring anger control; what the Bible teaches about it, some Bible characters who showed good examples of how to control one’s anger and others who didn’t. I hope you will come along on this journey with us.  I wouldn’t consider myself toContinue reading “Anger Control: The Proverbs Perspective”

Talk to Him about it

When my heart is heavy from pain and suffering When my mind is overwhelmed  When the way is dark with no sign of light When my body aches with no apparent relief There is Someone I can talk to about it When I am disappointed by my own doings When I am hurt by someoneContinue reading “Talk to Him about it”

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