
Our Blog is the heart of our Ministry.

Here is where we wrap up all we would have shared and discussed during the week on our social media accounts.

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Friends who Become Family

When we speak about family, we are usually referring to persons related by blood, marriage or adoption who may or may not live together. But it is a fact that there are persons who are not related in those ways who still consider themselves family. Why? Because family is also identified by deep bonds, closeness…

The Family and Loss

Families go through moments of loss occasionally. It may be a case where something tangible is lost, for example a car or house due to an accident or perhaps a pet or family member. Intangible things can also be lost, for example, bonds, trust and respect. By working together, family members can help to alleviate…

The Family, Its Issues

As with all groups of people, the family has its fair share of issues. Its own “important topics or problems for debate or discussion” (Oxford Languages). They range from personal to interpersonal and from specific to shared. Because families cannot escape issues, members must try to find ways to work around and/or resolve them. In…

The Family, A Ministry

There are many functions of a family. As mentioned in our previous blog, the family is the first institution and the first point of socialization. Family care for and support its members and grow and nurture children. One important function that a family serves is to minister, both to the members and to others. Families…

The Family, The Foundation

A family is defined, by, as “a basic social unit of parents and their children, considered as a group, dwelling together or not.” A family is the simplest structure within society. Think of each family as a building block. When the blocks are placed together, we get a blend of people living, doing business,…


Has someone else’s aspiration been the reason for your inspiration? Or maybe you’ve benefited from a philanthropic act? Or maybe the reserve is true. It simply goes without saying; look out for me and I look out for you. Our purpose isn’t just for us, our purpose is for us and anyone else that it…

Live in your Purpose

When you have realized what your purpose is, there is only one thing to do, And that is to walk in purpose. Boldly approach the tasks you have planned, While you live in purpose. As you go about doing your day-to-day activities, Remember your purpose. Carefully select and set your goals, So that you may…

Knowing Purpose 

Mark Twain once said life consists of two very important days, The day you were born and the day you find out why. The ‘why’ is your purpose, That which you complete before, to this world, you say bye. Then, if it is important, sooner rather than later, you need to know wherein your purpose…

Road to Purpose

There is something for us to do, a task, or two to accomplish, But how do we know what that is? How can we tell what it is that we are meant to do? Where do we start the search? Who tells us where to go to find it? Is there a guide that takes…


Commitment turns a promise into reality with words that speak boldly of your intentions and actions that speak louder than words.” —Steve Brunkhorst We talk about red flags in a relationship, but one huge green flag is and will always be someone who proves that they are committed to their union. Commitment is defined by…


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