The Family, Its Issues

As with all groups of people, the family has its fair share of issues. Its own “important topics or problems for debate or discussion” (Oxford Languages). They range from personal to interpersonal and from specific to shared. Because families cannot escape issues, members must try to find ways to work around and/or resolve them. In this blog we will discuss some of the more common problems that arise in families and some possible steps to mitigate these.


From time to time there will arise disagreements within families. The individual members are all different with differing opinions and preferences. Consequently, topics or situations on which members don’t agree on are inevitable. When they do arise, however, members must be willing to compromise and put each other’s opinion above their own. They should talk about the particular topic of disagreement and try as best as possible to come up either with a middle ground solution that meets each other’s need or the solution that is in the best interest of the family.  


Maintaining a balance between family and other necessary aspects of life, such as work, school, social life etc., can be difficult. But the onus is on each member to try their best to participate in achieving this balance. If members work together then it will be an easier feat. Each member should carry out their responsibilities and tasks so that no one member is overburdened. That way, family time can be more beneficial and social activities such as games night, movie night, nature walk, family talk etc. can be had with enough time left for chores, school and work assignments. 

Care of Elderly

Family members grow old and with age some persons become dependent on the younger ones. They are no longer able to work and sometimes will need financial assistance. They may have health conditions, as a result of aging, and so become needy of medical attention, sometimes on a regular basis. Other elderly family members sometimes require 24/7 attention. Adjusting to these situations may put physical, mental, emotional and financial strain on the family but it is important that the family takes care of the elderly members. This duty can be shared among family members. “Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers,” (1st Timothy 5:1 NKJV). 

The family exists within the society and so there are socioeconomic issues that will also affect its members and its structure.


In some areas finance is what separates families into groups and determine their social standing. The division is usually low, middle- and high-income families. Finance can be a great stressor. There are many things that need to be done which require money and family members need to be on the same page where this is concerned. To get the most out of what the family has, members must use it wisely. Those who are the head of the household must keep a close watch on the treasury. Here are some steps families can take to try to make the best use of their funds: budgeting, saving and investing, sharing.  


Sometimes the resources and opportunities available to families is dependent on their social status. This then may reduce the chance of family members attaining education especially at higher levels. It is important to make good use of an opportunity to gain knowledge in a particular field. In addition to secondary and tertiary training, persons should aim to get trained in a skill.  

‭Proverbs 4:7 NKJV‬ “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”‬‬‬ The most important education to be attained is knowledge in the Lord. This can be achieved regardless of social standing or finances.

Issues will arise from time to time but family members should always be willing to work out their differences together in a friendly manner. Here are some pointers  to note: 

• Talk things over- Many issues can be resolved just by talking them over. Is easier said than done but be willing to discuss the challenges that arise.

•Be patient- Give others time to learn and develop certain skills and character traits. Give them time to complete tasks and chores. While extending this patience to others, remember to be patient with yourself.

•Seek help if needed- You may not be able to resolves some issues among yourselves. In these cases seek help from a trusted family friend, pastor, professional etc.

•Pray- Nothing beats prayer because nothing beats God. Present your family and your issues to Him daily. Cover your family in prayer. 

Your family is important to God and the issues that matter to you, matters to Him. 

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