The Family, A Ministry

There are many functions of a family. As mentioned in our previous blog, the family is the first institution and the first point of socialization. Family care for and support its members and grow and nurture children. One important function that a family serves is to minister, both to the members and to others. Families are meant to serve. There may be so many opportunities to work together as a unit to improve the lives of those in society. And if each family is in the business of serving, oh what a beautiful society we’d have.

How can you serve with and within your family? Here are some things that you can do with family members to minister to others:

Share literature and other resources: You may purchase uplifting books and pamphlets, or even get them sponsored from your church or community centre etc. and give them to those you know who might need a particular message. Website and video links can be shared, which is also a way of ministering. If you know someone who is struggling with an addiction or another issue, you can give them a piece of literature that relates to their situation. There might be someone you know who is considering giving their life to God, you can get them something to read, watch or listen to, that will help them and give them guidance. Children can also share literature by getting them for their school friends.

Meals: When making family meals you can make extra to give to someone who is in need. During your grocery shopping you can also pick up something extra for someone else. Get all family members involved in selecting the meal items and preparing them, if that is necessary. Together you can help another to meet that important need.

Assist in community homes: There are many community homes and shelters around us. There are orphanages, girls/boys homes, elderly shelters etc. You can plan family visits to share your company and time with the residents of these homes. If you can assist otherwise (financially, with meals etc.) you may do that as well. Every family member can be involved.

Bible study: As a family you can host Bible study for others. This can be done at home or at your community center or church. You can help others learn more about Jesus and get answers to questions they may have.

The most effective way of ministering to others is through the way you live. As a family you can make it your point of duty to live lives that will encourage and inspire others. Be kind to others, do good for others and help out people when you can. In doing so you will show them the light and character of God. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 NKJV)

One important thing that we ought not to forget, it is important to witness as a family and minister to others but it is equally as important to minister to members within the family.

Families are made up of different personalities and characters and the needs of each individual should be met. Family members should share, teach and witness to each other. You can give literature to family members, you can make meals and share them together, you can also visit distant family members and have Bible study with them. It is all our duty to encourage those within our families through the lives that we live and through the relationship we share with them.

Remember, there is a work that each member of the family can do. Leave no one out of this beautiful ministry.

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