
Has someone else’s aspiration been the reason for your inspiration?

Or maybe you’ve benefited from a philanthropic act?

Or maybe the reserve is true.

It simply goes without saying; look out for me and I look out for you.

Our purpose isn’t just for us, our purpose is for us and anyone else that it may help.

It is meant to be shared and not kept a secret.

It is meant to build up and not to break down.

Though your purpose is your reason for being, you ought to use it for those around.

We are encouraged to not just look out for ourselves,

But to also look out for the interest of others.

If you have figured out what you should be doing with your life, and you have opportunity,

Help another to figure out their own reason, their identity.

Support others in their quest for purpose and encourage them along,

Show that you want them to succeed.

You’ll find that life is better when we live for each other,

Not being selfish and helping one another.

How can you help another to find their purpose, you may ask.

Share with them tips that you used, the resources that brought you to yours.

You do not decide what their purpose is,

But you can help them to realize what it is.

When you assist and look out for another it doesn’t diminish your shine.

In fact, it makes your light brighter.

To be someone’s help, you have availed yourself

And your impact will be seen and felt.

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