Road to Purpose

There is something for us to do, a task, or two to accomplish,

But how do we know what that is?

How can we tell what it is that we are meant to do?

Where do we start the search?

Who tells us where to go to find it?

Is there a guide that takes us there?

If it is important and it’s got our names on it,

How do we get to it?

For what reason were we created? What is our purpose in life?

It can’t be just to eat and drink or merely to survive.

There must be something more, but what?

And where do I begin to look?

We are God’s handiwork, created to do good works,

That which He has already prepared in advance.

So, it does sound like that is where we start,

With the One who knows the way.

He knows us by name and nature, from even before conception,

The very hairs on our heads, even those He has numbered.

Our purpose- what we are meant to do, is wrapped up in Him,

And that is where we should begin.

Every good and perfect gift, He has sent from above,

He will show us what we ought to do and how to use them.

Purpose is found in our Creator, that is where we should search.

We will clearly find the task that is set out to be done.

So where do you find your purpose, your reason for being?

In communion with your Creator-

On your knees or reading His words,

He will be your map and guide.

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