
Commitment turns a promise into reality with words that speak boldly of your intentions and actions that speak louder than words.” —Steve Brunkhorst

We talk about red flags in a relationship, but one huge green flag is and will always be someone who proves that they are committed to their union. Commitment is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “a promise or firm decision to do something.” Someone who has vowed that they will complete a task and is determined to, is committed to that task. The second definition, given by the same dictionary is “willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something that you believe in.” Commitment is an important factor in a courting or marriage relationship. It helps to keep that ship afloat when both parties give their time and energy to it. In addition to being committed to one another, committing the relationship to God is equally as paramount, if not of greater significance.

Let me share a story. There was this person who had different experiences with dating, prior to dating the person who would later become their lifelong partner. Previously, the person realized that their past relationships were always fallible for one reason or another, moreover, lacking one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. That missing piece of the puzzle was God, a relationship with God from their perspective and sometimes from both parties. Growing up and spending most of their life away from God, created a mindset of self-protection which was based on what was happening in society, causing them to be fearful of committing themself to the other person. Seeing relationships fail, marriages crumble and just emotional hurt all around, was always an image in the back of their mind. The person realized that, love that is of the world and not learnt from God, sees flaws, sees mistakes, holds grudges, and is based on so many conditions and that is the love that we mostly see when our hearts and our minds aren’t connected to our heavenly Father. It is not until we build a relationship with God and comprehend that true love comes from above and that we here on earth will be able to truly love. In addition, to be successful in something, whether it be to finish school with good grades or promoted to that stage of your career that you dreamt of; will require commitment. Intimate relationships are no different, both parties must be on the same page and be one hundred percent committed to each other and the relationship committed to God.

Let us look at some relationships from the Bible that were successful because they were committed to God and to each other.

Aquila and Priscilla

Aquila and Priscilla were a power house couple. They showed commitment to God and to each other in their daily lives. They worked together. We are told in Acts 18: 3 that they were tentmakers. They also did the work of God together. Verses 24-26 of Acts chapter 18 tell us that they took in Apollos who was a preacher of the word. They mentored him and “expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly”. They were also helpers to Paul and he exalts them in Romans 16:3-4 “greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.”

Their marriage served as a ministry, leading others to God and helping the development and growth of the church. They were committed to God and to each other. The couple that works together, not just for their benefit, but also for the benefit of others will be successful in their relationship.

Abram and Sarai (Abraham and Sarah)

Abraham was a godly man. He gave his time and effort to the service of God and to his relationship with God. So much so, that God often visited and spoke with him. Abraham was also committed to his relationship with his wife Sarah. Sarah was unable to have a child but Abraham stood by her. Many other men might have left in such a situation, but Abraham remained with his wife. They were not a perfect couple. Sarah came up with an idea to give her handmaid, Hagar, as wife so she can bear him a child. God had promised Abraham that his descendants will be as countless as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5), but without a child how was that going to happen? Having Hagar bear a child seemed to be a way to bring God’s promise to fulfillment.

It so happened that Hagar had a son, Ishmael. But there was trouble in that household. Sarah dealt harshly with Hagar and so Hagar ran away (Genesis 16:6). She did return to the house though. Abraham and Sarah still remained committed to each other, even in the face of difficulties. They were willing to give their effort and time to make their marriage work. Marriages will not be without hard times but even when it gets to its lowest, partners must be willing to persevere and to work together to resolve matters. Sarah eventually had a son, Isaac, the promised child (Genesis 21:2). God came through for them, even as they came through for each other.

Relationships can be so beautiful. Love is beautiful. With work and commitment two may become one and thrive together. They may be a powerful ministry and an example to those around them.

A solid commitment splices two lives together and holds through the storms.” ―Margot Datz

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