Start Again

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, Because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV

Hi friends! I hope the new year has been treating you all well thus far! Welcome to another blog post where I share a little encouragement about starting again.

Just start:

In life, failure is a must. Some things we will be successful at on the first try and for others we won’t. Failure is a feeling and it can be an atmosphere that surrounds us and tries to hold us down like feet rooted in concrete but once you have the courage to take another chance, you can start. Start where you left off or start from scratch. The Bible verse above is our main focus. Note that it states “His compassions fail not, they are NEW every morning.” God sees us in our struggles and He extends grace and love to us once we connect with Him. The term “every morning” symbolizes to me a new beginning where the day dawns and the things of yesterday can be left in the past. Not that we will forget the past struggles and hardships but we will not allow the burden of that day to be carried over to the next. You, my friends, can start again.

Make a plan and stay consistent:

Not only is God a planner, but there are plenty of examples of people in the Bible creating God-inspired plans. One such example is Moses.
In Moses’ first encounter with God, he’s given the plan to lead the people of Israel out of slavery. Later, when not having a plan became too much to handle, his father-in-law Jethro said to him, “what you are doing is not good.” In Exodus 18:17, a plan was developed. There would be many more carried out by Moses, including a succession plan to have Joshua be the next leader of the Israelites.

Without a plan, oftentimes, things get out of hand and there is work being put in without much positive outcome. A plan keeps things orderly, you are focused and there is a better chance of the desired results being achieved.

Focus on your strengths and take inspiration from within:

We all have weaknesses and they need time to be developed but focusing on your strengths can get you where you need to go. It will help to ask an expert to assist where you lack knowledge or understanding in your particular craft. It might be baking. For example you are good at baking cakes but those tarts just never taste right! You can ask for help. Whether a person, a cooking series or a book but at the same time perfect your cakes.

We are all unique with different interests and talents. In the Bible, the disciples differed just like their names. Jesus knew why He called each of them just like how He knows why you have the talent of singing or dancing etc. Can you imagine a world where we all dress alike and think alike? Mirror images constantly reflecting. I couldn’t bear it. Could you? There is more beauty in a garden because of the different colors. So when you start on that new journey of Christianity don’t compare yourselves to the pastor or your neighbor on the bench praying for 15 minutes while you pray for 5. Be yourself and let God fix the broken pieces. And know that we all have broken pieces. We can be like minded and still be different. We can believe in God but pray to Him differently. After all, our needs are different.

Your connection to God is unique. Do not base your life on other people’s image. Whatever you aim to do, whether in your Christian life, work life, family life or school life, if at first it all seems to be going downhill or you think you have failed, start again. Try again. Great is God’s faithfulness to us and He will always bear us up.

Let God be a guide to you every day. Let your insecurities, fears, anxieties and failures lay at His feet. Pray this prayer right now and start anew. Be blessed 🙂

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