A New Thing: Testimonial

Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand new day to begin a new climb.

Chinonye J. Chidolue

Hello friends and Happy New Year! What is time? It seems like we were just ringing in 2023 and now we are already at the beginning of 2024. Nevertheless let us give thanks to God for preserving our lives and blessing us to see a new year. To those friends who have been with us since we started this blog and those who are new, welcome! We hope that our messages will always be encouraging, educating and spiritually filling to all who partake in either our blogs on wordpress or our Instagram and X pages. Our aim is to sow seeds of love to all who we interact with online.

This blog will include a personal testimony about a new start that I have experienced. The scripture above is our main focus and a point of highlight is when God said “I will do a new thing”.

This line speaks volume to my life as I spent 5 years in medical school studying to become a doctor. To become a doctor was my career goal. I endured sleepless nights, tight budgets and missing out on extracurricular activities just to maintain my grades and pass my courses. It was not easy. Med School was filled with fear, anxiety and constant worrying if I would ever cross the finish line. 

The time came to sit final MBBS which is the qualifying/licensing exams to begin internship as a doctor. I prayed daily and fasted weekly because this was it. A big moment in my life to get over and I needed God more than ever. When the exam period came I did my best and sat all of my exams. Once I sat the exams there was that period of waiting for the results. In that moment of waiting I was anxious and worrisome. The thought of failing and not starting internship “a new start” in my life surrounded me with hopelessness but I always heard God’s voice.

His voice would say: “where is your faith”? “I will make a way, do not worry” and “I will never leave you or forsake you.” These words kept me going and allowed me to stay hopeful until I got my results.

When the results were ready I found out that I PASSED!!! Years of studying had finally paid off and I would be able to start my career. There was joy, gratefulness, excitement and praise over this victory but again came fear of crossing over to this next phase of my life. 

Just because we want to do something new or start a new path, even if it’s dreamt of or trained for, doesn’t mean it will always go well or smoothly at first. Every journey can be different and the process of “starting out” in something may look different for everyone. The same scripture that speaks about bringing forth new things also speaks on God making a way in the wilderness and producing rivers in the desert. This symbolizes “help” in whatever new thing we may endeavor to do! God does not just bring you to something and leave you on your own.

He is saying, that new job, I’m going to be there, when the days are long and hard I will send you comfort, when the co-workers are not being helpful I will ease the burden. For that new relationship, He says put me first and let me lead the way. For that new school term He says do your best and I will do the rest.

2024 may be that year where you might even want to start a new relationship with God. One done in the right way and in a righteous manner. He says My arms are wide open. Psalm 145:18 says “the Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.“ (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)

I started my internship and I can say this “new thing”, this new start, though hard and draining, is rewarding. Rewarding because God has still shown up for me on this journey and I can see where prayers are still being answered and giants continue to fall.

To conclude, the major take away from this testimony is that while you are praying for God to do something new in your life know that there may be uphill and downhill challenges but He has assured us, He will always be with us and once we trust Him and abide by His will He will always make a way for us.

So start! Continue to pray over the things you want for your life and know that God is in the midst. Thanks for reading and join us next week!

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