More Blessed to Give

We are told in Acts 20:35 that Jesus Himself said that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Giving is not just limited to the Christian faith, it is a task for all of us. There is always a way that we can show kindness to others. And indeed, we will be blessed for it. It is important for us, in our daily lives, to examine those around us and see in what way we can be of service to them. I believe, if we were all doing this, the world we live in would be a better place. Too often though, we take the selfish route and as we rush about our activities and haste on to accomplish our goals, we miss opportunities to even do the smallest things for others. Perhaps if we just slow down and give an open eye to others we will be able to save them from some dire situations.

During the holiday period the focus is usually on family, friends, the meals we’ll have and the gifts we will give and receive. My encouragement to you today friends, is to shift some of that focus unto others. Perhaps it’s someone who has no family or friends or one who is unable to be with loved ones, someone who is going through a hard time or one who you haven’t spoken to in a while. There must be a person you can reach out to.

In addition, here are a few suggestions of how you can share love and kindness this holiday season:
1. When preparing meals for yourself and your family make a little extra so that you can offer a warm meal to someone who does not have anything to eat.
2. Look out for homeless persons. You may give them a meal or a warm/cool drink.
3. Donate articles of clothing to charity. Look through your closet and take out something that you can give, either to a person you know of or a charity group. Always ensure that the pieces you donate are in good condition.
4. Invite someone over. There may be a widow/widower you know, a young person who lives alone nearby or a student who has travelled for school, is far away from home and is not going home. You can be someone’s good company.
5. Spend some time with persons at a children’s or elderly home. Take some goodies for them and spend time playing games and having conversation. Show them a good time.
6. Take some time to help a friend or family member out with a project they are doing. Maybe it’s cleaning, painting, cooking or baking, give them a hand.

There is a quote by Anne Swetchine that says “he who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity.” If you recall, the text in Acts 20:35 tells us that there is a blessing in giving. It is not a must that we give money or other gifts that may require money, we can also share our time, effort and encouragement with those around us.

I hope, friends, that during this season and going forward you will either begin to or continue to experience the blessing that lies in giving. May you find joy as you adjust your perspective and focus so that you can see the needs of others. As you give, may your store basket multiply that you may never be in need and that there may always be something to share with someone else.

Thank you for reading.

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