Fixed on God: Doing Right

Welcome back friends to another blog post where we discuss the commandments given by God in the Old Testament of the Bible. We will be looking at the fifth, sixth and seventh commandments. In the Bible God left each believer one task and that was to share the goodness of God. Matthew 28:19 -20 directs us to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” We must observe all things and follow God’s commandments because not only is it doing right, it profits us in the long run. The commandments are not meant to shackle us but to enable us to live a life walking in light and not darkness and bearing characters of good and not evil.

Commandment 5

“Honor your father and mother”- Our relationship with our parents is the foundation for our future relationships and choices. Here’s how Paul explained to new believers in Ephesians that the choice to honor your parents has consequences like enjoying a long life.“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise— ‘so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth’” (Ephesians 6:1-3). Just like how God gives us rules to follow so does our parents; and all of these are for our good. God and our parents want us to prosper and do well in all aspects of our lives. We must be obedient to our parents as long as their commands do not conflict with those of God.

Commandment 6

“Do not kill”- God commanded us to not murder. Because people are made in the image of God, life has value. Murder is an intentional act that says that a person’s life has no value compared to another’s priorities. It is not for us to cast punishment on anyone. When you seek God the anger and wrath that leads to the urge to kill or harm anyone or anything will never come to pass because He gives you peace and wisdom to refrain from such.

To know God is to know different ways of resolving conflicts. Love will always triumph.

Commandment 7

“Do not commit adultery”- Do not cheat. God commanded his people to be faithful in marriage and to respect other people’s vows as a model of faithfulness in their relationship with God. Adultery devalues the commitment made between a husband and wife and to God. In this day where social media is common, the ideal plan of marriage and genuine relationships have not been meeting the mark that God intended. There are many homes broken and in lack of love and trust because of infidelity.

Whether woman or man, committing this sin is viewed the same by God. When we disobey God most people can testify to things always becoming worse or not going as planned. God planned a life for us and the instruction manual is the Bible. With this manual we can never go wrong. When someone loves you they want the best for you and I don’t know about you but a man who died for me before I came into existence is worth listening to. Gods love you no matter the rules you have broken.

He loves us all regardless of our sins. It is never too late to come back to God! It is never too late to keep the commandments and to do right for God has pardoned (forgiven) all our sins. Take that step today and find God where you are!

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