God is not a Man

The question is asked, is there such a thing as a good lie? In my opinion, there is no such thing. Words can be used to relieve people of heartache and guilt but even when it is not spoken the truth will always be true and likewise, lies are always lies. Let me be clearer, we can make up lies in thinking we are doing good but eventually lies add up and the end outcome will always result in either more lies or the truth being revealed. Family and friends can tell a lie to make you feel good or better about a situation but the temporary relief never outweighs the permanent effect of a lie being told. To be dishonest, deceitful, malicious and unkind are not fruits of the Holy Spirit. As God’s children He wants us to be Christlike and these are not on the list. Lies keep us drifting in a sea of dishonesty and darkness. They lead to mistrust between people and that can be something hard to forgive.

When we look at forgiveness we see the ultimate forgiveness being bestowed when Jesus was crucified for our sins. All present and future sins are covered by His blood. Some people doubt this. So did God lie? Some persons, because they feel that they are not deemed forgivable, instead of walking away from their sins, allow it to draw them further away from God and down a dark path away from his love and forgiveness.

He Died, He lives, He never lies

Numbers 23:19 clearly states that “God is not a man that he should lie,” He is above earthly mistrust and lies and is the only source of truth this world should revere. Just incase you have forgotten, let me remind you that God loves you no matter what. Stop counting your sins, for the total price has been paid by Jesus Christ and his forgiveness is free. What is this forgiveness? This is not just an ordinary forgiveness like me forgiving someone or vice versa where memories will remain and in a moment there can be back and forth of mistrust and grudges being held. No! When God forgives you He throws that memory into the deepest part of the ocean and remembers no more. He looks at you as a whole, new and renewed person. He waits to hold your hand and walks by your side waiting to catch you if you falter. Never holding a grudge, malice or displeasing intention. This forgiveness is a pardon, a cease of any resentment or ill intent that would have occurred in the past. A new slate has been drawn up. You boy, girl, man, woman, child, whoever is reading this can start new when you allow God to maintain His promise of forgiveness.

His Promise of Forgiveness

As mentioned in our blog last week Friday, there are thousands of promises in the bible and today we stand on one of the most important ones: the promise of forgiveness. The Lord speaks to us: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18) and “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Heb. 8:12). Are you listening? Whatever the sin: cheating, scamming, a serial liar, abusive tendencies, stealing or drug abuse, God is saying he forgives you and wants to help you to change. Just go to him but leave the sin behind.

Today we will look a little at King David and how he received forgiveness. His story with the beautiful Bathsheba is recorded in 2 Samuel and 1 King. David had many wives but Bathsheba, also a married woman, was a temptation he never resisted. They had an affair which was against the law of God. David even went as far as to send her husband, who was at war, to the frontline of the battle where he was eventually killed. Two sins, adultery and murder, were committed by the great King David. All his acts weighed down on him and with the death of his son by Bathsheba, David realized how far he had strayed from God. The first step he took was acknowledging his sin. In 2 Samuel 12:13 David said “I have sinned against the Lord”. The second step is where he confesses, knowing he had done evil in the sight of God (Psalm 51). In this psalm we hear a prayer of David confessing and pleading for mercy and forgiveness.

In this prayer we see David making no excuses. He knows he cannot fix what he had done and he only knows he needs the mercy of God. Like him let’s acknowledge here that God is a God of compassion, unfailing mercy, love and never-ending promises of forgiveness. Knowing God wont treat us like we deserve but with grace give us a chance to leave our sins behind and live righteously. God did forgive David and he and Bathsheba had a son who was known as the wisest king, King Solomon. We are not perfect, those who profess to be Christians and those who don’t. We all fall short and the only way to grow in His likeness is by accepting Him and His promises wherever we fall in life. But don’t stay fallen. Stand on His promises and rise to a greater purpose where your sins cannot hold you down.

That promise extends to you now, in this moment. God is keeping no record and you have no mugshots to be afraid of. God is righteous and he wants you to be glorified and anointed. Accept His promise of forgiveness today. He is waiting to forgive you! What are you waiting for?

Thanks for reading and join us for a continuation next week. Be blessed friends

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