We Need People

I’ve always described myself as a people person. I feed off the energy of those around me almost like it’s breakfast. It fuels me and keeps me going. For as long as I have known myself it’s been the people around me that have made life worth it. They’ve added adventure and greatness to every moment.

And then there was 2020. To say the least, this year has been one for the books. Honestly this year was alot for me in more ways than one. The global pandemic and everything that came with it really took a toll on the mental health. With the self isolation, and not having to see anyone for a very long time I became convinced that I was completely fine alone. And alone became my new normal.

Having to deal with heavy things in a heavy year alone was a hard road to say the least. Between dealing with the death of a close loved one, unemployment, and battling depression, anxiety, it felt like I had reached the end of several roads. And then I learnt one of the biggest lessons 2020 had to teach me…I need people! And admitting that is not a bad thing. People are important in life. Especially in hard times. 

We need people to encourage us

Life has a way of really tearing us down sometimes. People were placed in our lives by God to help lift us up when the world brings us down. Words of encouragement and love from those who care about us are important for this life. When we isolate ourselves from those that love us, we rob our souls of the opportunity to be fed and strengthened. “Iron sharpeneth iron” is not just a biblical idiom. As people we help to build each other. We add to each other. That’s what people are: blessings from God that add to our lives. Yes sometimes we have to encourage ourselves. But we also need to allow ourselves to receive that encouragement from those in our lives.

We need people to put us in perspective 

When life gets a little overwhelming it’s hard for us to see things clearly. That’s where our friendships can be a great strength to us. Other people help to put life in such perspective. They can help us calm down. Help us get grounded. Help us stay centered. Sometimes people help us see that what we were worrying about or what was putting us down is not as bad as it seems.

We need people to help us out

There have been several times before where I rationalised why I would not ask for help. Oftentimes coming to the conclusion that I am independent and capable. But needing help doesn’t take away your level of independence. In fact asking for help doesn’t mean you’re weak. Asking for help shows your willingness to tap into true strength. God gave us people to be helpers to us. To make us stronger. No one person is capable of doing everything all on their own. No one person has the ability to take complete care of themself. 

We need people to pray over us

Some of the best conversations I’ve had with my friends were me opening up about the things going on in my mind that I was afraid to talk about. But having opened up, my friends did what I honestly hadn’t expected. They prayed into my life. Praying for God’s guidance. Praying for God’s will. Praying for my sanity. Praying for my wellbeing. There are moments in life where we can’t personally access that power.  We need people to put our requests before God and petition His throne on our behalf. The issue is, we aren’t always willing to open up to people about our woes. Not everyone is to know your business if we’re being honest. But everyone should have a “corner”: a group of people they can go to for a little pow-wow prayer circle. Find yours!

So as we end off this year and go into a new one I want to encourage everyone to find your friends. Connect with them. Check up on your friends. And remember you need people. We all do. We’re human. We were made to be together.

Thank you for reading. Please join us next week Friday for another uplifting message.

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